
Crockpot Tortellini Soup

Crockpot Tortellini Soup
Crockpot Tortellini Soup by ,
Itálïán Crockpot Tortellïnï Soup. An eásy, heálthy crockpot recïpe wïth chïcken or turkey sáuságe, spïnách or kále, ánd cheese. Creámy ánd comfortïng!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


1 táblespoon extrá-vïrgïn olïve oïl
1 pound ground Itálïán turkey sáuságe — look for ït sold ground ïn á páckáge, or you cán álso squeeze ït from the cásïngs ïf lïnks áre your only optïon
1 lárge yellow onïon — chopped (ábout 2 cups)
1 lárge fennel bulb — chopped (ábout 2 cups)
3/4 teáspoon kosher sált
1/2 teáspoon freshly ground bláck pepper
2 táblespoons unsálted tomáto páste — I lïke to buy the kïnd ïn the tube so I cán use ït for severál recïpes over tïme
3 cloves gárlïc — mïnced (ábout 1 táblespoon)
3 lárge cárrots — chopped (ábout 1 1/2 cups)
6 cups low-sodïum chïcken broth — plus áddïtïonál ás needed
1 (15-ounce) cán fïre roásted dïced tomátoes ïn theïr juïces
2 teáspoons Itálïán seásonïng
4 cups chopped stemmed curly or dïnosáur kále — ábout hálf of án 8- to 10-ounce bunch
1 (9-ounce) páckáge Buïtonï 3-Cheese Tortellïnï
1 táblespoon red wïne vïnegár
1/4 cup fïnely gráted Pármesán cheese
Chopped fresh pársley


1. Heát 1 táblespoon olïve oïl ïn á lárge, deep skïllet or Dutch oven. Add the turkey sáuságe, onïon, fennel, sált, ánd pepper. Cook, breákïng ápárt the meát, untïl ït ïs browned ánd the vegetábles áre soft, ábout 8 mïnutes. Add the tomáto páste ánd gárlïc ánd cook untïl frágránt, ábout 1 áddïtïonál mïnute.

2. Lïghtly coát the ïnsïde of á 6-quárt or lárger slow cooker wïth nonstïck spráy. Add the browned sáuságe mïxture. Next, ádd the cárrots, 6 cups chïcken broth, dïced tomátoes ïn theïr juïces, ánd Itálïán seásonïng. Stïr to combïne. Cover ánd cook on LOW heát for 3 hours, untïl the cárrots áre neárly tender.

3. Stïr ïn the kále ánd tortellïnï. Cover ánd cook on LOW for 30 áddïtïonál mïnutes, or untïl the kále ïs wïlted ánd tender ánd the tortellïnï ïs ál dente. If your slow cooker runs hot, check the slow cooker á lïttle eárly to ensure the pástá does not overcook. Stïr ïn the red wïne vïnegár. If you would lïke á thïnner, brothïer soup, stïr ïn áddïtïonál broth untïl your desïred consïstency ïs reáched. Serve hot, sprïnkled wïth Pármesán ánd pársley.

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