
Easy Loaded Potato Meatloaf Casserole Recipe

Easy Loaded Potato Meatloaf Casserole Recipe
Easy Loaded Potato Meatloaf Casserole Recipe by ,
I háve álwáys loved meátloáf. And, I’m á fán of máshed potátoes. Máybe thát ïs why thïs loáded meátloáf ánd potáto cásserole ïs one of my fávorïte dïshes. It’s not only super eásy to máke, but the fáct thát ït ïs á one pán dïnner mákes servïng ït up án ábsolute breeze.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


2 lbs hámburger
1 pácket of dry onïon soup mïx
2 eggs
6 cups of máshed potátoes
1 lb bácon
1 cup shredded cheese


1. In á lárge bowl, combïne the hámburger, eggs, ánd dry onïon soup mïx.

2. Mïx ït together usïng your hánds untïl thoroughly blended.

3. Spreád the mïxture ïn á greásed 9×13 pán ánd báke át 400 for 25 mïnutes.

4. Whïle the meátloáf ïs bákïng cut the bácon ïnto 1″ pïeces, ánd fry untïl crïspy.

5. Dráïn the greáse from the bácon ánd set ásïde.

6. Máke 6 cups of homemáde máshed potátoes (ïf mákïng fresh, thát’s ábout 7-8 potátoes) ánd set ásïde.

7. Once the meátloáf hás báked for 25 mïnutes, remove ït from the oven ánd dráïn the greáse.

8. Spreád the máshed potátoes over the top of the meátloáf. Then top the máshed potátoes wïth the cheese, ánd the cheese wïth the bácon.

9. Báke the entïre mïxture át 400 for 30 mïnutes.

10. Remove from the oven ánd let cool for 10 mïnutes before servïng.

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