
Spinach Avocado Chicken Burgers

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Spinach Avocado Chicken Burgers
Spinach Avocado Chicken Burgers by ,
These pâleo spïnâch âvocâdo chïcken burgers âre the ultïmâte heâlthy burger. They’re pâcked wïth heâlthy fâts, proteïn, ând even hïdden veggïes. Mâke them on â weeknïght, or serve them ât â bâckyârd cookout. They’re pâleo, Whole30, ând AIP!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


For the chïcken burgers
1 lb ground chïcken
1/2 cup spïnâch, fïnely chopped
2 tbsp cïlântro, fïnely chopped
2 tbsp coconut flour (optïonâl- âcts âs â bïnder)
1 tbsp âvocâdo oïl (plus more ïf you’re fryïng or grïllïng)
2 tsp gârlïc powder
2 tsp onïon powder
1 tsp seâ sâlt
1/2 tsp blâck pepper (omït for AIP)
Juïce of one lïme
1 smâll âvocâdo (or hâlf â lârge âvocâdo), dïced ïnto chunks
Butter lettuce leâves (optïonâl)
For the âvocâdo mâyo (optïonâl)
2 medïum âvocâdos
4 tbsp âvocâdo oïl
Juïce of one lïme
1/4 tsp seâ sâlt
1/8 tsp blâck pepper (omït for AIP)


1. For the âvocâdo mâyo, combïne âll of the ïngredïents ïn â hïgh-speed blender untïl smooth. Set âsïde.

2. Prepâre eïther â grïll or â grïll pân ând set to hïgh heât. Add âvocâdo oïl to the grïll pân ïf usïng.

3. Mïx the ground chïcken wïth the seâsonïngs, spïnâch, coconut flour, lïme juïce, ând âvocâdo oïl untïl well combïned.

4. Very gently fold ïn the âvocâdo slïces, beïng câreful to not smâsh them.

5. Form the chïcken ïnto 4-5 burgers, spâcïng out the âvocâdo to mâke sure ït’s evenly dïspersed.

6. Grïll the burgers on the grïll surfâce (usïng extrâ âvocâdo oïl ïf fryïng ïn â pân) for âbout 5 mïnutes on eâch sïde, or untïl ïnternâl temperâture reâches 165 F.

7. Top wïth optïonâl âvocâdo mâyo ând serve ïn lettuce cups lïke â bun, or enjoy the burgers on theïr own.

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