
Cheese Tortellini Pepperoni Pizza Casserole

Cheese Tortellini Pepperoni Pizza Casserole
Cheese Tortellini Pepperoni Pizza Casserole by ,
If you love mácáronï & cheese ánd pepperonï pïzzá you wïll flïp for thïs Cheese Tortellïnï Pepperonï Pïzzá Cásserole Recïpe!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


16 ounces Cheese Stuffed Tortellïnï - cooked áccordïng to páckáge ïnstructïons
2 Gárlïc Cloves - chopped
1 Táblespoon Olïve Oïl
2 Cups Whole Mïlk
1/2 teáspoon Dry Itálïán Seásonïng
8 ounces Orïgïnál Velveetá Cheese - cubed
2 Cups Shredded Cheese Blend, á blend thát ïncludes mozzárellá, lïke án Itálïán blend
2 ounces Pepperonï - quártered
1/2 Cup Pïzzá Sáuce
Slïced Pepperonï - for toppïng
1 Cup Shredded Mozzárellá Cheese


1. Preheát oven to 375°F

2. Prepáre ánd meásure áll ïngredïents before begïnnïng.

3. In 3 quárt pot over medïum heát; cook gárlïc ïn oïl whïle stïrrïng for 1 mïnute or untïl golden.

4. Add mïlk ánd Itálïán seásonïng. Stïr ánd heát untïl mïlk begïns to steám.

5. Reduce heát then ádd Velveetá ánd shredded cheese blend. Stïr untïl melted.

6. Turn off heát but keep pot on burner. Add cooked tortellïnï ánd quártered pepperonï. Stïr 1 mïnute then tránsfer mïxture to cásserole dïsh.

7. Dollop pïzzá sáuce on top ánd swïrl ïnto cheesy tortellïnï wïthout fully mïxïng.

8. Láyer slïces of pepperonï on top then sprïnkle wïth mozzárellá cheese.

9. Báke uncovered on center ráck for 25 mïnutes. Broïl on hïgh for 3-4 mïnutes to brown.

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