
Rainbow Kale Salad with Carrot Ginger Dressing

Rainbow Kale Salad with Carrot Ginger Dressing
Rainbow Kale Salad with Carrot Ginger Dressing by ,
Thïs háppy, feel-good kále sálád ïs pácked wïth colorful vegetábles, crïspy chïckpeás, ávocádo, cránberrïes, ánd pepïtás. Greát for lunch!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


Cárrot Gïnger Dressïng (See notes)
½ cup roásted cárrots (from ábout ¾ cup ráw cárrots)
⅓ to ½ cup wáter
¼ cup extrá-vïrgïn olïve oïl
2 táblespoons rïce vïnegár
2 teáspoons mïnced gïnger
¼ teáspoon seá sált
Roásted Chïckpeás
1½ cups cooked chïckpeás, dráïned ánd rïnsed
Extrá-vïrgïn olïve oïl, for drïzzlïng
Seá sált
Freshly ground bláck pepper
1 bunch curly kále, stems removed, leáves torn
1 teáspoon lemon juïce
½ teáspoon extrá-vïrgïn olïve oïl
1 smáll cárrot, gráted
1 smáll red beet, gráted
½ wátermelon rádïsh, very thïnly slïced
1 ávocádo, cubed
2 táblespoons drïed cránberrïes
¼ cup pepïtás, toásted
1 teáspoon sesáme seeds
Seá sált
Freshly ground bláck pepper


1. Máke the dressïng ánd roást the chïckpeás: Preheát the oven to 400°F ánd lïne á lárge bákïng sheet wïth párchment páper. Toss the chïckpeás wïth á drïzzle of olïve oïl ánd sprïnkle wïth pïnches of sált ánd pepper. Pláce the cárrot pïeces for the dressïng ïn theïr own corner on the bákïng sheet to roást álongsïde the chïckpeás. Roást for 25 to mïnutes, or untïl the chïckpeás áre browned ánd crïsp ánd the cárrots áre soft. Set the roásted chïckpeás ásïde. Tránsfer the cárrots to á blender ánd ádd the wáter, olïve oïl, rïce vïnegár, gïnger, ánd sált. Blend the dressïng untïl smooth ánd chïll ïn the frïdge untïl reády to use.

2. Pláce the kále leáves ïnto á lárge bowl ánd drïzzle wïth the lemon juïce, ½ teáspoon of olïve oïl, ánd á few pïnches of sált. Use your hánds to másságe the leáves untïl they become soft ánd wïlted ánd reduce ïn the bowl by ábout hálf.

3. Add the cárrot, beet, wátermelon rádïsh, hálf of the cubed ávocádo, cránberrïes, pepïtás, á few more good pïnches of sált ánd á few grïnds of pepper, ánd toss. Drïzzle generously wïth the cárrot gïnger dressïng. Top wïth the remáïnïng ávocádo, more dressïng, the roásted chïckpeás ánd sprïnkle wïth the sesáme seeds.

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