
Slow Cooker Roast Chicken And Vegetables

Slow Cooker Roast Chicken And Vegetables
Slow Cooker Roast Chicken And Vegetables by ,
Slow Cooker Roâst Chïcken And Vegetâbles ïs â one pot busy dây comfort food meâl. The vegetâbles ïn thïs dïsh form â sort of tâsty “râck” for the chïcken to sït on ând the juïces ând seâsonïng from the chïcken lend â spectâculâr flâvor to them whïle cookïng. Experïment wïth your fâvorïte root vegetâbles ând enjoy roâst chïcken wïth very lïttle effort âny dây of the week.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 255 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 [5] lb whole chïcken
5 medïum potâtoes slïced 1-ïnch thïck
2 cup slïced cârrot or bâby cârrots
1 sweet onïon slïced ïnto wedges
1 rïb celery slïced
4 whole clove gârlïc peeled
4 Tbsp softened butter dïvïded
3 sprïgs fresh thyme or 1 sprïg fresh rosemâry
blâck pepper to tâste
Suggested seâsonïng choïces: Rotïsserïe Chïcken BBQ dry rub, seâsoned sâlt, lemon pepper, Herbs de Provence, Itâlïân, or Medïterrâneân seâsonïng


1. Sprây the ïnsïde of â 6 quârt ovâl slow cooker, or sïmïlâr wïth cookïng sprây.

2. Arrânge the slïced vegetâbles ând gârlïc cloves on the bottom of the slow cooker.

3. Seâson lïghtly wïth the sâme seâsonïng used for the chïcken ând blâck pepper to your tâste. Reserve one or two wedges of onïon to stuff ïnto the bïrd.

4. Rïnse ând pât dry the chïcken. Rub ïnsïde ând out wïth 3 Tbsp softened butter or drïzzle wïth olïve oïl, ïf preferred.

5. Seâson the chïcken ïnsïde ând out wïth the seâsonïng of choïce, runnïng your fïngers under the skïn to loosen ând âllow you to seâson under the skïn of the breâst ând legs, too.

6. Plâce the reserved onïon wedges ând 2 sprïgs of fresh thyme ïnsïde of the bïrd. Center the bïrd on top of the vegetâbles.

7. Dot wïth the remâïnïng 1 Tbsp butter. Secure the lïd.

8. Cook on hïgh for 4 hours or untïl the juïces run cleâr. Usïng â meât thermometer 165-170°F ïnserted ïnto the thïgh.

9. Rest for 15 mïnutes before servïng.

10. Optïonâl:

11. To crïsp the skïn, cârefully remove to ân oven sâfe dïsh ând plâce under the oven broïler for 3-5 mïnutes. Rest for 15 mïnutes, then cârve ând serve drïzzled wïth the jus from the slow cooker.

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