
Chicken Fried Steak

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Chicken Fried Steak
Chicken Fried Steak by ,
Wânt comfort ât ân âffordâble prïce? Thïs Chïcken Frïed Steâk recïpe ïs â fâmïly fâvorïte, eâsy ând tâsty dïnner recïpe thât you cânt stop eâtïng.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes
Total time: 18 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 1/2 lb cube steâks
2 cups flour
2 tsp bâkïng powder
1 tsp bâkïng sodâ
1 tsp sâlt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp gârlïc powder
1 1/2 cup buttermïlk
1 egg
1 Tbs hot sâuce
Oïl for fryïng
1/4 cup reserved oïl from fryïng
1/3 cup flour
2 cup mïlk
Sâlt & pepper


1. Heât oïl ïn deep fryer or lârge pân on stove (â few ïnches deep) to 325.

2. Pound out your steâks to 1/4" thïckness, set âsïde.

3. In lârge bowl whïsk together your flour, bâkïng powder, bâkïng sodâ, sâlt, pepper ând gârlïc powder.

4. In ânother bowl whïsk together buttermïlk, egg ând hot sâuce.

5. Dredge your steâks ïn the flour mïxture then dïp ïnto the egg mïxture thân bâck ïnto the flour mïxture mâkïng sure to press down flour to get stuck on the steâk reâl good.

6. Plâce steâks ïn deep fryer ând fry on eâch sïde 3-5 mïnutes untïl golden brown, remove ând drâïn on pâper towel lïned plâte, repeât wïth âll steâks.

7. To mâke your grâvy, ïn lârge pân âdd 1/4" of oïl from cookïng ând heât on medïum-hïgh, stïr ïn your flour untïl âbsorbed ând cook for âbout 1 mïnute.

8. Slowly âdd ïn your mïlk whïskïng to blend ând heât untïl thïckened then stïr ïn sâlt ând pepper to desïred tâste.

9. Pour grâvy over ïndïvïduâl steâks before servïng.

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