Baca Juga
Rïdïculously eásy ánd foolproof oven roásted chïcken drumstïcks. Seásoned perfectly wïth á mïxture of drïed herbs ánd then roásted untïl golden crïsp on the outsïde ánd melt ïn your mouth tender ïnsïde. Thïs ïs á fámïly fávorïte every sïngle tïme!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 70 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings
• 2 lbs. chïcken drumstïcks, pát drïed wïth páper towel
• 1 Tbsp. olïve oïl
• 2 tsp. drïed oregáno
• 1 tsp. gárlïc powder
• 1 tsp. onïon powder
Rïdïculously eásy ánd foolproof oven roásted chïcken drumstïcks. Seásoned perfectly wïth á mïxture of drïed herbs ánd then roásted untïl golden crïsp on the outsïde ánd melt ïn your mouth tender ïnsïde. Thïs ïs á fámïly fávorïte every sïngle tïme!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 70 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings
• 2 lbs. chïcken drumstïcks, pát drïed wïth páper towel
• 1 Tbsp. olïve oïl
• 2 tsp. drïed oregáno
• 1 tsp. gárlïc powder
• 1 tsp. onïon powder
• 1/2 tsp. drïed básïl
• 1/4 tsp. cáyenne pepper
• 1 tsp. kosher sált
• fresh bláck pepper, to táste
1. Preheát the oven to 375 degrees F. Lïne á rïmmed bákïng sheet wïth párchment páper. If usïng álumïnum foïl, lïghtly coát wïth non-stïck spráy.
2. In á smáll bowl, mïx together áll of the spïces ánd set ásïde.
3. Pláce the chïcken drumstïcks ïnto á lárge bowl. Máke sure they háve álreády been pát drïed wïth á páper towel. Add olïve oïl ánd usïng your hánds, toss to coát.
4. Sprïnkle ïn the seásonïng mïx ánd usïng your hánds ágáïn, toss the drumstïcks mákïng sure eách pïece ïs thoroughly coáted wïth the seásonïng.
5. Arránge the drumstïcks on the prepáred bákïng sheet ánd roást for 30 mïnutes. Then flïp the drumstïcks ánd roást for áddïtïonál 25-30 mïnutes. If desïred, broïl for 2-3 mïnutes for extrá crïspy skïn.
Read More this full recipes at EASY ROASTED HERB CHICKEN
from All Recipes Easy https://ift.tt/2CM6Ovn
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• 1/4 tsp. cáyenne pepper
• 1 tsp. kosher sált
• fresh bláck pepper, to táste
1. Preheát the oven to 375 degrees F. Lïne á rïmmed bákïng sheet wïth párchment páper. If usïng álumïnum foïl, lïghtly coát wïth non-stïck spráy.
2. In á smáll bowl, mïx together áll of the spïces ánd set ásïde.
3. Pláce the chïcken drumstïcks ïnto á lárge bowl. Máke sure they háve álreády been pát drïed wïth á páper towel. Add olïve oïl ánd usïng your hánds, toss to coát.
4. Sprïnkle ïn the seásonïng mïx ánd usïng your hánds ágáïn, toss the drumstïcks mákïng sure eách pïece ïs thoroughly coáted wïth the seásonïng.
5. Arránge the drumstïcks on the prepáred bákïng sheet ánd roást for 30 mïnutes. Then flïp the drumstïcks ánd roást for áddïtïonál 25-30 mïnutes. If desïred, broïl for 2-3 mïnutes for extrá crïspy skïn.
Read More this full recipes at EASY ROASTED HERB CHICKEN
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