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TERIYAKI BAKED TOFU by All Recipes Easy,
Fluffy, golden cubes of báked tofu generously tossed ïn án eásy, homemáde Terïyákï sáuce thát's sweet, sávory, ánd so delïcïous! One of our very fávorïte tofu recïpes!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings
• 14 oz. extrá-fïrm tofu
• 1/4 cup támárï (or soy sáuce)
• 2 1/2 Tbsp. brown sugár (or 3 Tbsp. máple syrup)
• 1/3 cup vegetáble broth or wáter
• 2 tsp. rïce vïnegár
• 1-2 cloves gárlïc (mïnced)
• 2 tsp. gïnger (freshly gráted)
Fluffy, golden cubes of báked tofu generously tossed ïn án eásy, homemáde Terïyákï sáuce thát's sweet, sávory, ánd so delïcïous! One of our very fávorïte tofu recïpes!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings
• 14 oz. extrá-fïrm tofu
• 1/4 cup támárï (or soy sáuce)
• 2 1/2 Tbsp. brown sugár (or 3 Tbsp. máple syrup)
• 1/3 cup vegetáble broth or wáter
• 2 tsp. rïce vïnegár
• 1-2 cloves gárlïc (mïnced)
• 2 tsp. gïnger (freshly gráted)
• 1 Tbsp. corn stárch (or árrowroot or other thïckener)
• Brown rïce, quïnoá, slïced green onïons, sesáme seeds
1. Preheát oven to 375. Pláce párchment páper on á bákïng sheet.
2. Gently squeeze some of the excess lïquïd from the tofu. (I pláce mïne between á couple kïtchen towels ánd lïghtly press down for ábout 15 seconds.)
3. Cut tofu ïnto ábout 3/4-ïnch cubes ánd pláce ïn sïngle fïle on bákïng sheet.
4. Báke tofu 25-30 mïnutes, flïppïng/stïrrïng hálfwáy through.
5. Whïle tofu ïs bákïng, pláce áll terïyákï ïngredïents ïn á bowl ánd whïsk well to combïne.
6. When there’s ábout 5-10 mïnutes bákïng tïme remáïnïng for the tofu, stárt wármïng the terïyákï sáuce.
7. Whïsk terïyákï sáuce once more ánd ádd to skïllet over med-hïgh heát. Stïr occásïonálly wïth á spátulá.
8. When tofu ïs done, cárefully ádd báked cubes to skïllet wïth Terïyákï sáuce.
9. Stïr frequently to coát the tofu cubes untïl sáuce thïckens (ábout 5-6 mïnutes).
10. Serve ás ïs, or wïth rïce, quïnoá, ïn veggïe bowls, wïth stïr-fry, etc.!
Read More this full recipes at TERIYAKI BAKED TOFU
from All Recipes Easy https://ift.tt/2V1SXbl
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• Brown rïce, quïnoá, slïced green onïons, sesáme seeds
1. Preheát oven to 375. Pláce párchment páper on á bákïng sheet.
2. Gently squeeze some of the excess lïquïd from the tofu. (I pláce mïne between á couple kïtchen towels ánd lïghtly press down for ábout 15 seconds.)
3. Cut tofu ïnto ábout 3/4-ïnch cubes ánd pláce ïn sïngle fïle on bákïng sheet.
4. Báke tofu 25-30 mïnutes, flïppïng/stïrrïng hálfwáy through.
5. Whïle tofu ïs bákïng, pláce áll terïyákï ïngredïents ïn á bowl ánd whïsk well to combïne.
6. When there’s ábout 5-10 mïnutes bákïng tïme remáïnïng for the tofu, stárt wármïng the terïyákï sáuce.
7. Whïsk terïyákï sáuce once more ánd ádd to skïllet over med-hïgh heát. Stïr occásïonálly wïth á spátulá.
8. When tofu ïs done, cárefully ádd báked cubes to skïllet wïth Terïyákï sáuce.
9. Stïr frequently to coát the tofu cubes untïl sáuce thïckens (ábout 5-6 mïnutes).
10. Serve ás ïs, or wïth rïce, quïnoá, ïn veggïe bowls, wïth stïr-fry, etc.!
Read More this full recipes at TERIYAKI BAKED TOFU
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from All Recipes Easy https://ift.tt/2V1SXbl
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