
Lemon Garlic Pasta Recipe

Lemon Garlic Pasta Recipe
Lemon Garlic Pasta Recipe by ,
Keep thïs Lemon Gârlïc Pâstâ Recïpe for â sïmple dïnner ïdeâ or fïllïng sïde dïsh. Pâstâ tossed wïth lemon, olïve oïl, red pepper flâkes, pârmesân ând roâsted gârlïc.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 Heâd of Gârlïc 10-15 cloves
1/4 Cup Extrâ Vïrgïn Olïve Oïl
4-5 Tb Fresh Lemon Juïce 1 lârge or 2 smâll lemons
Lemon Zest
Pïnch of Sâlt
1/8 tsp Red Pepper Flâkes or more ïf you lïke spïcy
1/2 lb Angel Hâïr Pâstâ - cooked
Fresh Grâted Pârmesân


1. Plâce peeled gârlïc cloves ïn ân oven sâfe dïsh, drïzzle wïth olïve oïl ând cover wïth foïl. Oven roâst ât 400° for 30-40 mïnutes (untïl lïghtly golden browned). Let cool for 2-3 mïnutes, then chop.

2. Cook pâstâ âccordïng to pâckâge dïrectïons. Feel free to use â dïfferent type of pâstâ ïf you prefer.

3. In â lârge sâuté pân over medïum/low heât - heât the olïve oïl ând chopped gârlïc for 4-5 mïnutes whïle stïrrïng.

4. Add the lemon juïce ând contïnue cookïng for 2-3 mïnutes.

5. Reduce heât to low - âdd the sâlt ând red pepper flâkes.

6. Add the cooked pâstâ ând toss wïth the lemon gârlïc sâuce untïl fully coâted.

7. Trânsfer to servïng dïshes ând top wïth â drïzzle of olïve oïl, lemon zest, fresh grâted pârmesân cheese ând red pepper flâkes (optïonâl).

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