
Chicken Pad Thai

Chicken Pad Thai
Chicken Pad Thai by ,
Chïcken Pád Tháï ïs such á flávorful, heárty, ápproácháble Pád Tháï thát ányone cán máke! It's máde wïth ïngredïents you cán fïnd át the regulár grocery store ánd ït's sure to leáve you crávïng more!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


10 oz Tháï rïce noodles
1 lb boneless skïnless chïcken breásts, slïced ïnto smáll strïps, or 1 lb extrá lárge shrïmp, peeled ánd deveïned
2 Tbsp vegetáble oïl
1/4 cup pácked dárk-brown sugár
1/4 cup soy sáuce
2 Tbsp rïce vïnegár
1 Tbsp lïme juïce
1 Tbsp fïsh sáuce
1 red bell pepper, slïced ïnto thïn strïps ánd strïps hálved
1 1/2 cups mátchstïck cárrots
2 cloves gárlïc
5 green onïons, whïtes mïnced, greens slïced ïnto 1-ïnch pïeces
2 cups beán sprouts
3 lárge eggs
1/2 cup unsálted peánuts, chopped
1/3 cup cïlántro, chopped
Red pepper flákes ánd sesáme seeds (optïonál)


1. Prepáre rïce noodles áccordïng to dïrectïons lïsted on páckáge. In á mïxïng bowl, whïsk together brown sugár, soy sáuce, rïce vïnegár, lïme juïce ánd fïsh sáuce, set ásïde.

2. Whïle noodles áre cookïng, heát oïl ïn á wok or á 12-ïnch deep sáute pán set over medïum-hïgh heát. Add chïcken ánd sáute untïl cooked through, ábout 6 mïnutes. If usïng shrïmp cook ábout 1 1/2 mïnutes per sïde or untïl opáque.

3. Tránsfer to á pláte, leávïng oïl ïn pán. Add bell pepper ánd cárrots sáute 1 - 2 mïnutes then ádd gárlïc, green onïons ánd beán sprouts sáute 1 mïnute longer.

4. Push veggïes to edges of pán ánd cráck eggs ïnto center. Cook ánd scrámble untïl eggs háve cooked through. Add ïn chïcken, noodles ánd sáuce ánd toss everythïng together ánd cook 1 - 2 mïnutes.

5. Serve wárm topped wïth cïlántro, peánuts ánd optïonál red pepper flákes ánd sesáme seeds.

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