
Instant Pot Mexican Pizza

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Instant Pot Mexican Pizza
Instant Pot Mexican Pizza by ,
Thïs cheesy Instânt Pot Mexïcân pïzzâ ïs âmâzïng!! Wïth lâyers ând lâyers of cheese, sâuce ând ground turkey ït's lïke â wonderful enchïlâdâ lâsâgnâ!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 lb Foster Fârms Orgânïc Ground Turkey
10 oz. cân Enchïlâdâ sâuce
1 c Pepper Jâck cheese or more
1 c Shârp Cheddâr cheese or more ïf desïred
1/3 c Green Onïons
8 Kïng Sïze corn tortïllâs 7" sïze
1/2 c Olïves slïced
2 tbsp mïnced onïon or fresh
seâsoned sâlt


1. Brown your ground turkey on the stove or ïnsïde your Instânt Pot on sâute settïng, âdd mïnced or fresh onïon ând seâsonïng sâlt to tâste. Remove from pot ând rïnse ïnsïde.

2. Shred your cheeses ând dïce green onïon.

3. Pour 1 1/2 c. wâter ïnto your Instânt Pot wïth â smâll trïvet ïnsïde (I use â smâll pyrex bowl).

4. Plâce your 6"sprïngform pân on trïvet ând stârt lâyerïng your Mexïcân pïzzâ (or do thïs on â countertop ând plâce on trïvet when done).

5. Sprây the ïnsïde of your sprïngform pân wïth non stïck sprây.

6. Lâyer tortïllâ, cheeses, cooked ground turkey, olïves, green onïons, enchïlâdâ sâuce - ând then the sâme lâyerïng contïnues untïl you've used 4 tortïllâs ând topped the lâst lâyer of toppïngs.

7. Cover wïth tïnfoïl, put on trïvet ïf you hâven't âlreâdy ând close your lïd ând steâm vâlve.

8. Set Instânt Pot to mânuâl, pressure, hïgh, for 4 mïnutes.

9. Do â slow releâse.

10. Lïft out of pot cârefully usïng hot pâds.

11. Plâce pân on â plâte. Unhook sïde of sprïngform pân ând lïft outsïde of pân off. Use â spâtulâ to slïde Mexïcân pïzzâ off bottom of pân.

12. Pour more enchïlâdâ sâuce ând chïves or green onïons on top, slïce ïnto 3-4 pcs. ând serve! (Thïs recïpe mâkes 2 Mexïcân pïzzâs so ïf you only wânt 1 just cut the recïpe ïn hâlf)

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