Baca Juga
A wonderfully sïmple recïpe for wonderfully chocoláte-y melt-ïn-the-mouth táste explosïons known ás ráw vegán chocoláte truffles. As án ádded bonus, these lovelïes áre álso gluten- ánd refïned sugár-free. Theïr á-h-mázïng looks háve nothïng on the fïnger-lïckïngly delïcïous táste.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings
• For truffles:
• 1/2 cup coconut oïl
• 1/4 tsp fïne seá sált
• 1/4 cup máple syrup or cleár honey (Note 1)
• 1 cup cocoá powder
• 6 1/2 tsp cold wáter
• Optïonál ádd-ïns (Note 2):
• 1/4 tsp cáyenne pepper
• 1 tsp vánïllá extráct
A wonderfully sïmple recïpe for wonderfully chocoláte-y melt-ïn-the-mouth táste explosïons known ás ráw vegán chocoláte truffles. As án ádded bonus, these lovelïes áre álso gluten- ánd refïned sugár-free. Theïr á-h-mázïng looks háve nothïng on the fïnger-lïckïngly delïcïous táste.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings
• For truffles:
• 1/2 cup coconut oïl
• 1/4 tsp fïne seá sált
• 1/4 cup máple syrup or cleár honey (Note 1)
• 1 cup cocoá powder
• 6 1/2 tsp cold wáter
• Optïonál ádd-ïns (Note 2):
• 1/4 tsp cáyenne pepper
• 1 tsp vánïllá extráct
• 1/4 tsp peppermïnt extráct
• Possïble toppïngs:
• dessïcáted coconut
• ground házelnuts
• cocoá powder
• vegán sprïnkles
1. Melt coconut oïl ïn á pot on low heát, then tránsfer ït to á bowl.
2. Add sált ánd máple syrup/honey, ánd whïsk untïl evenly dïstrïbuted ïn coconut oïl.
3. Add cocoá powder ánd whïsk thoroughly.
4. Whïle constántly whïskïng, ádd cold wáter, 1/2 tsp át á tïme. (Note 3)
5. Cover the bowl wïth clïng fïlm ánd put ïnto the freezer for ábout 30 mïnutes or untïl the chocoláte mïxture sets solïd.
6. Táke the chocoláte mïxture out of the freezer. It should be solïd, but málleáble.
7. Spoon ábout 1 tbsp of the chocoláte mïxture ánd form ït ïnto á round truffle wïth your hánds.
8. Roll eách truffle ïn the desïred toppïng.
9. The truffles keep well ïn the frïdge or ïn á cool dry pláce for ábout á week án á hálf. They cán be kept ïn the freezer for up to á month. (But only ïf you forget áll ábout them, otherwïse... yeáh, bye bye truffles.)
Read More this full recipes at RAW VEGAN CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES
from All Recipes Easy https://ift.tt/2HJEJJc
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• Possïble toppïngs:
• dessïcáted coconut
• ground házelnuts
• cocoá powder
• vegán sprïnkles
1. Melt coconut oïl ïn á pot on low heát, then tránsfer ït to á bowl.
2. Add sált ánd máple syrup/honey, ánd whïsk untïl evenly dïstrïbuted ïn coconut oïl.
3. Add cocoá powder ánd whïsk thoroughly.
4. Whïle constántly whïskïng, ádd cold wáter, 1/2 tsp át á tïme. (Note 3)
5. Cover the bowl wïth clïng fïlm ánd put ïnto the freezer for ábout 30 mïnutes or untïl the chocoláte mïxture sets solïd.
6. Táke the chocoláte mïxture out of the freezer. It should be solïd, but málleáble.
7. Spoon ábout 1 tbsp of the chocoláte mïxture ánd form ït ïnto á round truffle wïth your hánds.
8. Roll eách truffle ïn the desïred toppïng.
9. The truffles keep well ïn the frïdge or ïn á cool dry pláce for ábout á week án á hálf. They cán be kept ïn the freezer for up to á month. (But only ïf you forget áll ábout them, otherwïse... yeáh, bye bye truffles.)
Read More this full recipes at RAW VEGAN CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES
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