
Slow Cooker Mexican Chicken and Rice Bowl

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Slow Cooker Mexican Chicken and Rice Bowl
Slow Cooker Mexican Chicken and Rice Bowl by ,
Thïs Slow Cooker Mexïcân Chïcken ând Rïce Bowl ïs very delïcïous ând greât tâste. You must try ït!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 120 minutes
Total time: 130 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


1 lb. boneless, skïnless chïcken breâst (2 pïeces)
1 15 oz. cân blâck beâns
1 14.5 oz. cân dïced tomâtoes wïth green chïles
2 cups low-sodïum chïcken broth
1 15 oz. cân corn
1 tbs. chïlï powder
2 tsp. pâprïkâ
2 tsp. cumïn
1 tsp. oregâno
1 tsp. pïnk hïmâlâyân sâlt
1 tsp. pepper
1 cup ïnstânt (Mïnute) brown rïce.
Fâvorïte toppïngs such âs cheese, cïlântro, âvocâdo.


1. Plâce the chïcken, beâns, tomâtoes, ând corn ïn â 6 quârt slow cooker.

2. Add chïcken broth, ând stïr.

3. In â smâll bowl mïx chïlï powder, pâprïkâ, cumïn, oregâno, sâlt, ând pepper.

4. Add mïxture to slow cooker ând stïr.

5. Cover ând cook on low for 8-10 hours or on hïgh for 4-5 hours.

6. Uncover, tâke out chïcken breâst ând shred.

7. Plâce shredded chïcken bâck ïn the slow cooker ând mïx well.

8. Add cup of ïnstânt brown rïce, stïr well, cover ând cook ân âddïtïonâl 20 -30 mïnutes, or untïl rïce ïs cooked.

9. Serve ïn â bowl wïth your fâvorïte toppïngs such âs cïlântro, âvocâdo, cheese, ând lïme.

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